Welcome to Cavalier Street Racers Inc. This Web site is for current and future owners of Chevy Cavalier's that wish to modify their cars.  From performance to looks or just simple up keeping. There are many things you can do to your Cavalier. It just depends on which model you have, engine type, or simply how much money you are willing to spend.

 Below the site banner are some link buttons where you can access areas within the site that might help you decide what you would like to do to your car. The buttons above are: Engine Modifications, External Modifications, Interior Modifications, and Accessory Modifications. You can change the appearance of the exterior to changing the interior. Or if you are looking for performance we have that as well. Also to help you out there are pages dealing with certain Cavalier Information and Part Stores that also will be able to help with your search. You can also search my own list of modifications that are available to buy for Cavalier's. Since their are parts only made for certain models. These pages also have buttons above where you can access that information. Be sure to visit my profile page to check out my car and send some info to me.

If you are new to the actual street racing aspect or scene, then you should check out the safety area of the web page so you can better understand what will happen when you don't use you head. 

So enjoy the site and I hope it is helpful in your future modifications to you Chevy Cavalier!!

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