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Well above is my car. It is a 97 Chevy Cavalier Rally Sport. It was the first prototype Ecotec Engines made. It came stock with: DexiCool System, Gear-To-Gear Timing, Self Adjusting Engine Heads, Traction Control System, Tension Pulley System. Since this car hit the market most Chevy brand Cavaliers and some Ford cars now come with some of these options. I believe the only options with the Ford models are the Tension Pulley System and the DexiCool System. As seen on the chart in the Chevy Cavalier Information web page of this site it lists which Chevy models have these features. The orange Cavalier you saw in the banner on the main page is a 8.98 Sec Chevy Cavalier Ecotec Racing Car. It has a newer style engine it then compared to its older models. The extra modifications I have added to my car are: Porcelain Polished Headers with down pipe, Hi-Flow Cat, All Exhaust pipes resized to 2 1/2 piping, Pro Series 1 Performance Muffler, RkSport Intake with K & N Air Filter, Lower Reduced size Pulley, and Upper Engine Mount (Polyurthurane). There are other things you can add to you car like stereo systems and tinting like I have done. Well I thank you for visiting my website and I hope you have found it helpful. Down below if you could fill out some feedback for me so I can know a little bit more about my visitors.

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